"I caught up with my motorcycle friend Ginger Damon to discuss her Los Angeles-based company, Gigi Montrose Moto Couture, which produces a line of women’s motorcycle apparel that's proudly made in the USA.
The story of Gigi Montrose’s launch is also the story of how Ginger followed her instincts to seek even greater fulfillment in an already accomplished life. After working many years in the film industry doing hair and makeup, she began to feel nudged towards a new focus. One such nudge occurred while watching a stuntwoman skillfully maneuver a motorcycle in dangerous scenes. This roused Ginger enough to receive a riding lesson from the stuntwoman in the back parking lot. It takes but a moment to put a leg over a motorcycle and ride it around in circles for someone to be smitten with the inclination to ride or not."
Gigi Montrose: Ginger Damon's Motorcycle Love Story
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